MeiouAndTaxes Wikia


National ideas are representative of a nation's historical skills,specialties, culture, or other traits. They are mostly based on historical events or specialties and are a major source of flavor for countries.


National ideas work similarily to vanilla but with distinct differences, most of which were added in version 2.01. For starters every one idea (from an idea group) unlocks a national idea, and most countries start out with four ideas. There are also less ideas and Traditions and Ambitions have been removed. National ideas are now based on events that happened shortly before or shortly after the start date, geographical features of the country or things that have been present in the country for most of the game's duration for more historical accuracy.

Types of ideas[]


Unlike vanilla, where a nation has two traditions, seven ideas and an ambition, all nations in Meiou & Taxes have one familial system, one bonus idea and five normal ideas.

Familial systems[]

Familial systems are based on culture and represent the way society works in the country. They have both advantages and penalties that are typically associated with such societies.

Bonus ideas[]

Bonus ideas are also based on culture rather than the country and represent what the citizens of the country are typically good at.


Besides Familial systems and Bonus ideas there are normal ideas that work like vanilla.

National ideas (Unfinished)[]

Austrian Ideas[]

Label 1st bonus 2nd bonus 3rd bonus 4th bonus 5th bonus 6th bonus
1 (Authoritarian Family) Discipline


Global Institution Spread


Embracement Cost


Stability Increase Threshhold


Number of Accepted Cultures


Years of Nationalism


2 (Germany - Alpine and Danube River People) Administrative Technology Cost


3 (Land of the Mercenaries) Infantry Combat Ability


Available Mercenaries


Mercenary Discipline


4 (Tu Felix Austria Nube) Diplomatic Reputation


Diplomatic Relations


5 (Donauschifffahrt) Trade Efficiency


Provincial Trade Power


6 (Austrian Court) Foreign Spy Detection


Spy Network Construction


Improve Relations


7 (Privilegium Minus) Yearly Prestige


Yearly Legitimacy


Chance of New Heir


Norwegian ideas[]

Label 1st bonus 2nd bonus 3rd bonus 4th bonus 5th bonus
1 (Liberal Family) Trade Steering:


Global Trade Goods Size Modifiers:


Diplomatic Tech Cost Modifier:


Global Autonomy:


Heretic Missionary strength:


2 (Scandinavia - Norway's coast) Global Ship Repair:


Naval Tradition From Battles:


3 (Northern Isolation) Diplomatic Reputation:


Yearly Papal Influence:


Hostile Core-Creation Cost on us:


4 (Hanseatic Influences) Advisor Costs:


Diplomatic Reputation:


Institution Embracement Cost:


5 (The Longships) National Sailors Modifier:


Light Ship Cost:


Transport Ship Cost:


Light Ship Combat Ability:


Transport Ship Combat Ability:


6 (Civil War Era) National Unrest:


Stability Increase Interval:


Yearly Legitimacy:


7 (North Sea Trade) Provincial Trade Power Modifier:


Trade Power Abroad:


Colonial Range:


Trade Range:


Ship Trade Power:


Prussian ideas[]

Label 1st bonus 2nd bonus 3rd bonus 4th bonus 5th bonus 6th bonus
1 (Authoritarian Family) Discipline


Global Institution Spread


Embracement Cost


Stability Increase Threshhold


Number of Accepted Cultures


Years of Nationalism


2 (Elbe River People) Trade Range


3 (Land of the Mercenaries) Infantry Combat Ability


Available Mercenaries


Mercenary Discipline


4 (Zünfte) Production Efficiency


Idea Cost


5 (Religious Toleration) Possible Advisors


Tolerance of Heretics


6 (Art and Science as National Goal) Yearly Prestige


Technology Cost


7 (Prussian Military Focus) Land Force Limit Multiplier


Infantry Combat Ability


Danziger Ideas[]


1st bonus 2nd bonus 3rd bonus 4th bonus 5th bonus 6th bonus
1 (Authoritarian Family) Discipline


Global Institution Spread


Embracement Cost


Stability Increase Threshhold


Number of Accepted Cultures


Years of Nationalism


2 (Elbe River People) Trade Range


3 (Land of the Mercenaries) Infantry Combat Ability


Available Mercenaries


Mercenary Discipline


4 (Zünfte) Production Efficiency


Idea Cost


5 (Danzig Law) Foreign Spy Detection


Yearly Republican Tradition


6 (Hanseatic Kontors) Trade Efficiency


Global Trade Power


Light Ship Cost


Ship Durability


Ship Trade Power


7 (Network of Alliances) Diplomatic Reputation


Diplomatic Relations

